for everybody who loves clothes but does not take trends so serious

Posts Tagged ‘Fashion bloggers’

UNITASKING is what your business and your activities need, also in fashion business…

In Business on November 1, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Multitasking is something good in some specific situations, but it could be killing your time, business and good mood.

If you’re interested in more Personal Development for your business, see my BUSINESS BLOG!!

Talking about sticking to what you want!! Even HEIDI KLUM refused to change for fashion…

In Business, Iconic Woman on October 21, 2014 at 11:17 am


Heidi Klum was asked, or let’s say “got the advice or suggestion” to lose some weight, because she was too curvy…and cut her hair very short to become more edgy…They told her  “your breasts are too big for the clothes”, so she never did the big fashion shows in Paris, Milan or New York, besides, she was considered too short and heavy.

But she said no “I’m going to find my way”. 

Stop thinking you have to be like they tell you to be, its personality what wins at the end! Thank you!!

Picture from

I’m ill, but not cause I need to loose weight like some fashion bloggers!!!!….hear this!

In Business on October 21, 2014 at 10:22 am

If you’re interested in knowing more about my Online Business, GET THERE HERE!!

Online Jobs for Fashion Bloggers

In Uncategorized on September 30, 2014 at 1:16 pm

The new trend is: having an online business system that supports no matter what business you’re in, and makes your fashion blog really win the game!! If this makes sense to you, contact me trough the link below!