for everybody who loves clothes but does not take trends so serious

Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page

I predicted a few colours for Summer and Fall (2013), remember????

In ART, Iconic Woman, Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 30, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Yessss!!! Last day I was working on the runway photos from Elle and other magazines, and I saw incredible and really perfect cuts in the Victoria Beckham blouses and skirts, and the colours I said I would wear this next two seasons back in March!!

Shades of grey, beige, soft orange or glitter turquoise (which I posted a lot last week), every tone between grey and blue and different nuances going from brown to beige. Everything is there, and I was so happy to see those silk trousers, wide, elegant, sexy, and orange (that thing between orange and a warm red-brown), with a vest (oh the vests!) and a top just like I would love to be able to make myself, thank you Diane Von Fürstenberg. I’ll play the prediction game every now and then, tell me if I’m wrong.

Sweet Jane in MADAME Germany!!

In ART on June 30, 2013 at 6:25 pm

If you love 60’s and 70’s fashion and also pop culture you have to know Sweet Jane, one of my favourite blogs on my blogroll, if you actually are a 70’s fan like myself you already are a frequent visitor of Sweet Jane (if you don’t feel free to visit my blogroll now).

Sweet Jane is the best place to visit if you’re interested in fashion editorials of those decades, and I can’t think of a better blog if I need some inspiration. This June (which is about to end) I was so happy to see that Sweet Jane was a recommended blog on MADAME Germany, not only because it’s a blog that feels like a time machine (music, magazines, fashion icons, you name it), but also because the woman who runs it is a designer who has in mind creating a label inspired by the 60’s, I can’t wait what to see some of her peaces.

I remember the day I was nominated for a blogger award a few months ago, I did not even know what to do with that information and the award, and I nominated Sweet Jane, she has been on my blog and in my heart since then. Thank you so much, and congratulations for the little article in MADAME!

Classic vest, feels chic, looks great!

In Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 21, 2013 at 11:58 am

That’s another little thing I’ve wanted to have for quite a long time, but these vests are like jeans, they need to fit you perfect or better don’t wear them at all.

So I saw a few vests the last months, but never felt it was already mine when I was trying them on, cause that’s how I buy something, I try it on and I feel like it was already with me before I buy it. Sometimes the right clothes find you, not the other way around, it actually works like that for me all the time! The vest, is VERO MODA, they always make beautiful clothes, and the price is fine for every budget.




The boyfriend jeans is LEVI’s, the belt is still from my childhood, and the red top below is from Puerto Rico, can see no brand on it.

My little discoveries, from my Anziehend! tour!!

In Uncategorized on June 21, 2013 at 9:07 am

As you know, now and then I take my camera with me when I visit Anziehend!. I always take a look there, if I want something new, or discover a little treasure. It inspires me, and it’s fun to see what Andrea’s choices are when it comes to take in new stuff from her costumers. She does not pick everything just because it’s almost new, or trendy. She has her own style and sense for fashion, and believes that the most interesting peaces you find them in private people’s wardrobes. Here is what I found this week:







Turquoise Katja Ebstein, what a song, what a dress!!!

In ART, Iconic Woman, Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 20, 2013 at 8:29 am

I love this song, of course it’s even better if you understand what she is singing, but she is just brilliant. Her looks, her voice, her way of “not moving” at all and so elegant in her own way.
We are in the 70s, today, and tourquoise is the colour.

I didn’t need Kate Moss to inspire me, but there she is, loving tourquoise to!

In Iconic Woman, Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 20, 2013 at 8:23 am

Kate Moss and Jamie Hince’s wedding rehearsal - Daily Celebrity News & gossip -

It looks like Kate Moss also had a 70s dress on that day, I have mine as you have seen. This colour has something very special, I hope I’m not the only one who loves it! Anyway, I don’t care.

Photo from GLAMOUR UK, thank you!

Turquoise, it’s everywhere…

In Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 20, 2013 at 8:08 am

I’ve been picking out every turquoise peace of clothing I still had in my closet, and I realized that they’re always clothes I’ve had for a very long time, it’s not easy for me getting rid of them, or just give them away. It’s a special colour, and no matter if shoes, a dress, or a tank top, it’s something I feel in the mood sometimes. Like red lip days, I have turquoise days.




This dress is vintage, from Barcelona long time ago….enjoy, and look for your turquoise items. It’s a colour that fits a lot of different skin and hair colours, and no matter what age you are, think about it, it’s great for summer!!!

American Vintage, great choice for today!

In Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 18, 2013 at 12:50 pm

It’s finally like Summer, and I say like because here you can expect snow tomorrow again!!

The dark dress is American Vintage, the one I have under is very old ZARA one! Got the American Vintage one at Anziehend!





Can’t get enough of Vanessa Paradis.

In ART, Iconic Woman on June 10, 2013 at 6:32 pm

I think it’s not just me, french women definitely do have a special way of using a soft voice, it’s wonderful!

A song, Vanessa Paradis this time!

In ART, Iconic Woman on June 10, 2013 at 6:26 pm

Is it me, or is there a way of singing with a soft voice just french women can have?
It’s Vanessa, and I always loved her voice, she lets her voice be what it is.