for everybody who loves clothes but does not take trends so serious

Archive for June, 2014|Monthly archive page

I’m sad because of Kate Bush, but I have my sandals.

In Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 18, 2014 at 10:39 am

I'm sad because of Kate Bush, but I have my sandals.

That’s what i have left today…and it’s not bad at all! Vagabond makes nice stuff, and it’s always a pleasure to see how colorful live can be in spite of all. I have wonderful people arround me, that also is a treasure, just the sandals would be boring…

YESS, I know, I just found out about Kate Bush LIVE again!!

In ART, Iconic Woman on June 18, 2014 at 10:12 am

YESS, I know, I just found out about Kate Bush LIVE again!!

Yes I know, this was already in the media at the end of March, like my birthday. But I’ve been so out of everything I found out today, and I had to cry because I could not get any tickets. Kate, wonderful Kate. How many female artists would not even be there today, without Kate? One of the most honest, original, powerful and unique artists ever. I love you.

STARMELA, the most wonderful AD LIb top, not in white…

In Wonderful Looks&Outfits on June 10, 2014 at 4:46 pm



This is a wonderful item, got in a store that closed, sadly…and it’s very Ad Lib like but not just in white, which I love. I like all green and blue tones if they’re soft and remind me of water, just perfect for the summer. It’s very chic with jeans, no matter if a mini skirt or pants, just get one!